I hope I have this posted in the right area....
Is there an addon that will work with WoWroster that will upload a character's flags and Attunments? Like it does for the keys?
We just added Wowroster to our guild site and one of the officers has a post going with with information on it and he asked me if wowroster can track this information.
I did a search the best I could to find an addon for these but came up empty handed. Could someone help me out please?
If there isn't would someone like to take on this challenge? Cause I am not a coder and would not know where to start to write an addon that would capture this information. I don't know if this can be logged but I would assume it could cause it's a "Flag" on the character that tells the game "Yes, this character can go into this zone". So I would assume someone could write an addon.
and again I hope I have this in the topic.