UU bug when you run it on a PC that doesn't have WoW

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UU bug when you run it on a PC that doesn't have WoW

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:48 am

I know, the first question is "Why would you run UU on machine that doesn't have WoW installed" and the answer is because I support a bunch of guildies and had forgotten I had rebuild my work machine and had not yet re-installed WoW!

Anyway, problem is that when UU searches for the WoW.exe and can't find it it generates a browse dialog box so you can manually point to it. Even though there is a Cancel button on it, it just re-spawns the 'Find WoW.exe" dialog... forever... and ever... until you kill the process. ;)
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UU bug when you run it on a PC that doesn't have WoW

Postby MattM » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:34 pm

lol I just noticed that too as I started tinkering with UU at work

actually I think if you hit cancell 1482 times it will go away, but it's just a hunch, you should try it AB, remember to make sure to give it some time between cancels, about a minute or so :thumleft:

I'll see if I can't fix this.
Last edited by MattM on Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UU bug when you run it on a PC that doesn't have WoW

Postby MattM » Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:59 am

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