After install, I could not get my menu to display correctly, I am getting errors like crazy from the lib/menu.php file:
- Code: Select all
Notice: Undefined index: enus in /homepages/25/d115395929/htdocs/LM-WOW/Roster/lib/menu.php on line 98
Notice: Undefined index: enus in /homepages/25/d115395929/htdocs/LM-WOW/Roster/lib/menu.php on line 102
Notice: Undefined index: enus in /homepages/25/d115395929/htdocs/LM-WOW/Roster/lib/menu.php on line 103
Notice: Undefined index: enus in /homepages/25/d115395929/htdocs/LM-WOW/Roster/lib/menu.php on line 104
Notice: Undefined index: enus in /homepages/25/d115395929/htdocs/LM-WOW/Roster/lib/menu.php on line 105
From looking at the file, I found that the *prefix* that you define during install isn't applied in this file:
- Code: Select all
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND ".$roster_conf['alt_location']." NOT LIKE '%".$roster_conf['alt_type']."%'") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_non_alts = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND ".$roster_conf['alt_location']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['alt_type']."%'") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_alts = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * from `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND `level` = 60") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_lvl_60 = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * from `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND `level` > 49 and `level` < 60") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_lvl_50_59 = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * from `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND `level` > 39 and `level` < 50") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_lvl_40_49 = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * from `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND `level` > 29 and `level` < 40") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_lvl_30_39 = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_menu = $wowdb->query("SELECT * from `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE `guild_id` = $guildId AND `level` > 0 and `level` < 30") or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
$num_lvl_1_29 = $wowdb->num_rows($result_menu);
$result_avg = $wowdb->fetch_array($wowdb->query("SELECT AVG(level) FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` WHERE guild_id=$guildId")) or die_quietly($wowdb->error(),'Database Error',basename(__FILE__),__LINE__);
.ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE is called with a query, but what if my table is LM_MEMBERSTABLE because I used my own prefix?
It causes the whole menu to be off, shouldn't that be the variable that is set to the *prefix* during the install?
Maybe this doesn't make any sense to anyone but me....