This is the official there where I will label what I need to fix... what I have fixed and what I'm working on.
If you have a problem... as long as the mods agree to make this a locked sticky. You should make a new thread so I can sort through the issues more easily.
One major issue I know of... install and update.php's are fubared.
As a plan of action, I intend to do a fresh install of PHPNuke 7.6 and create a 100% fresh install of roster nuked 1.7 and have it installed.
I will then do an upgrade from 1.6.0 roster nuked(this first then normal) and create and upgrade this way.
I have had it suggested to me to make the administration dependant on the cookie info of phpnuke, as Anaxent's DF port does. This is something I intend to look into.
Thanks for the feedback, for the help from the coders and keep it coming!
PS. If you have some fixed code you want to throw out there, or if you want to help me with this... drop me a PM.