phpbb2 security features.

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phpbb2 security features.

Postby silverscout » Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:49 pm

There was a post on the old site before it was hacked about being able to put phpbb permissions on viewability on certain pages per the phpbb permission scheme.

Does anyone have this code?
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby MattM » Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:15 pm

not sure what you mean
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby silverscout » Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:33 am

someone had code pertaining to phpbb permissions on the pages of wowroster.

I have the link from the old forums still :P but I bet that wont help.

What it would do is not let anyone see a page as they must be logged inm, making the pages themselfs based on phpbb2 permissions.

IE, if you wanted the admin page double secure, add the code to the top of the page. Then the user who is int he admin group must login in order to view the roster.

Also, this would help with hiding the guild bank from non members of the guild. So only Logged in people who are in the members group of phpbb2 could see the bank contents.
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby MattM » Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:30 am

ahh I see, sorry I cant help you.
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Re: phpbb2 security features.

Postby Kaylaura » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:52 pm

Are you talking about the authenticationSystem? I have and on my HD right now. I can't remember which one I used.

It can be configured to integrate authentication with the following CMS's

e107 v6xx
e107 v7xx
PHP Nuke
Post Nuke
Woltlab Burning Board
Invision Power Board
Unclassified News Board
Simple Machines Forum

Let me know if this was what you were looking for. I believe both work with 1.6 - I didn't get a chance to look for a version that worked with 1.7 before the crash.
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby silverscout » Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:04 am


Post Nuke???

please tell me more of this. I know postnuke and how to operate it.

However, what I would need then is it to display in a block in postnuke with permissions on the bank for member group only.

actually the code I was pertatining to was not an addon of the roster like an authentication system. but added code to the top of the page that would look at the members permission and match it with the one in the code.
Last edited by silverscout on Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby Kaylaura » Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:47 pm

Okay, then maybe this is not the same thing. What it does is basically apply PHPBB (or any CMS)'s authentication system so that only registered members who are logged in are allowed to access the roster. It adds some code to the top of the roster page as part of the mod, I believe.
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby silverscout » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:46 am

is this going to updated to 1.7 or does it work and when will it come to the webpage for download?

this is exactly what I want. However, I want everyone to view the roster but limit the guildbank and madeby
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby zanix » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:42 am

Well, someone posted in "Request for Modified phpBB Auth" ... topic&t=52

They posted this exact thing, which what I was not looking for
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Re: phpbb2 security features.

Postby Kaylaura » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:45 pm

I looked at that download in the other thread and it's quite different from what I have - I'll post the files I have here:
version 1.1

This is supposed to be the last stable release. The creator of this addon is Silencer-ch-au, based on the included config file.
(143.93 KiB) Downloaded 325 times
version 1.2 beta

This is the latest version that I have, and if I recall correctly has not been updated to work with 1.7. I have not tried using it with 1.7 so I can't say if it will work with it yet.
(144.87 KiB) Downloaded 328 times
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby Asaien » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:54 pm

Any word whether or not this works with the current version? ^_^
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby wolftusk » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:14 am

I am curious about the compatibility with 1.7 as well.
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Re: phpbb2 security features.

Postby phatz » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:10 am

Anyone looking for the links, log in :) Until you login you can not see the links.

I will try tonight and see if I can make this work. I am not the author of it so umm, no promises, but I need this as well.
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phpbb2 security features.

Postby Asaien » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:40 am

I already got the mod but I'm concerned about installing it as I'm not particularly PHP savvy, and *really* would prefer not break anything. ^_^
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Re: phpbb2 security features.

Postby silencer-ch-au » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:41 pm

Sadly I never had the time to port the AuthenticationSystem to roster 1.7 and it would certainly take some coding to make it work properly now.

It basically worked like this: You logged in on your forum/CMS which would put some user account reference into either a cookie or into memory and my addon would try to read that information, usually a userID, get more information about that user from the forum/CMS like a username and the name of a character on the roster and then use that name to give you access to the roster and more for addons that specifically used that.

The problem with that method is that its not always easy to get to that cookie/memory information because of security features of the forum/CMS and if a newer version of those forums/CMS changes something in that behaviour my addon would break as its specifically tailored to the behaviour of the forum/CMS that I had while developing my addon.

That means that it would break quite often and I'd had to add/recode parts all the time to accomodate the new releases while still letting it work with the old one.. you can see how that takes up a lot of time.

Long story short, it had good intentions but was rather unpractical to maintain.
And thats why I'm not going to pick it up again.

I'm working on a new auth system but its not gonna be finished for quite a long while. (Roster 1.8 will have inbuilt authentication but its different from what I'm working on.)

If you can code a bit (learning PHP isnt hard compared to proper programming languages), read the code and you may find ways to get it to work for you. Or even better, make your own addon with your own ideas. You're free to use any of the code of the AuthenticationSystem addon.
Last edited by silencer-ch-au on Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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