Minor Upload Issue

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Minor Upload Issue

Postby Moelaria » Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:59 am

First of all, I installed your roster on our web site and it looks AWESOME. A great product. I am very happy.

I only have a couple of issues and they are probably related. I looked through the forums and the wiki and I couldn't find the solution for this one. It's probably an easy solution though.

1) The link at the bottom of the page in the instructions doesn't take the user to the update profile page. I named my Guild Roster directory Guild_Roster instead of just Roster. The Update Profile button at the top of the page goes to the correct Update Profile page while the link on the bottom of the page goes to "/modules.php?name=Roster&op=updateprofile."
Code: Select all
Edit - Nevermind, found it in EngUS.php

2) After updating a profile on the Update Profile page (/modules.php?name=Guild_Roster&op=updateprofile) the user gets a blank screen instead of getting the pretty return. I seem to be missing the updateprofile php file.

The file does however get uploaded to the site so that part does work.
Code: Select all
Edit: OK, I found the file (admin/update.php) that is supposed to generate the HTML confirmation but it isn't working.

I'll take any ideas.

If you need more information, please let me know.

Last edited by Moelaria on Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:01 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Minor Upload Issue

Postby zanix » Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:57 am

You are using the nuke port of roster correct?

If so, post in that forum as the devs do not port roster to cms's

As for your question
Look for this (it may be different in the nuke port)
Code: Select all
                <form action=\"update.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"POST\" onsubmit=\"submitonce(this)\">

The action="" needs to be corrected to the correct location
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Re: Minor Upload Issue

Postby Moelaria » Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:54 pm

You guys have way too many forums :mrgreen: Actually, I fixed both issues late last night.

The first one was just a matter of find where the verbiage existed. I found it in the languages folder. My massive searching finally paid off.

What I found out that you must install the MaxRes addon as part of the base installation. I wasn't sure I really wanted the MaxRes addon so I chose not install it. Turns out this was the wrong decision. Once I went through the installation of MaxRes the thing worked like a champ.

Now the web roster is fully functional and looks awesome. I am very happy.

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