Bridge phpbb roster

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Bridge phpbb roster

Postby Subxero » Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:06 pm

Anyone knows how to sync roster members to phpbb members ?

Will be fabulous get a script that put/check specifics ranks from roster to a group

like members > group 8

check if exist on roster active the group 8 on phpbb if dont exist deactivate

an same with officers > group 11
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Bridge phpbb roster

Postby robweeks » Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:01 am

I would be very interested in this aswel!
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Bridge phpbb roster

Postby Litidian » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:36 pm

I'm currently on it but I have exams next week, so I'm more sitting over some books about cryptology and network protocols than on the code.

My current feature list is:
* Mapping roster chars to phpbb users (must be made manual)
* Mapping roster char to eqdkp chars (perhaps automatically, but can't promise)
* Mapping char/guild ranks to phpbb ranks (autoupdateable)
* Mapping char/guild ranks to phpbb usergroups (autoupdateable)
* Integrating links to chars into profile area in the forums
* Integrating eqdkp-data into user profile view (see your dkp on login...)

And well.. some other thingies.

Actual the mapping is done (in PHP) but I am thinking about a restart from scratch in ASP.NET (C# / Delphi.NET running under mono). So if I decide to do that the new way this actually won't be of much help except you have a webhoster running ASP.NET or mono.
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Re: Bridge phpbb roster

Postby Dernes » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:03 pm

Sometime long ago, I tried to integrate some information that we had in the roster into phpbb - that is under the user avatar, in the memberlist and in the profile page - but not in any fancy way, just so that we could see it (requires roster and phpbb to be in the same database).

I also tried to write out the whole mod in a simple to use version but I havent checked it in a looong time so I'm not sure the code works (i have the code working on my site though, but that thing's been edited so many times I cant go back and just figure out simply what I've done).

But I thought it might be something useful for your integration project? It should work as advertized. I hope o_o
roster mod.txt
the code, please be careful using it, I'm not an expert at this..
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Re: Bridge phpbb roster

Postby kaleyn » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:49 pm


You said the actual mapping of Roster memebers to phpBB members is done?

I noticed this posting was done 6 months ago. Is this still in the works, and is there another Topic that has more uptodate information?

I'd LOVE to see this kind of integration between phpBB2 and WoWRoster.

If I can help in any way...
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