Well simply by going <a href="http://antireality.net/lod/roster/">here</a> you can see it cannot find guild on the server we are on, now I dont know if I misconfigured or did something wrong so any help would be appreciated.
Yeah, figured out it was a capital problem which is what we ran into now. Now our items dont show up after we downloaded the items because its installed like so: FiLEnAME.Gif and in the code its filename.gif.
We already did that and the images still dont work. Like I said the fetch is grabbing ASDFdsdvS.gif and the image is actually asdfdsdvs.gif or likewise so its not grabbing the image, any quick way to change?
The problem is that all the images in the image pack won't load because all the files upload as all lowercase names and the images reference upper case letters.