Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:32 am

Hello there. I attempted to join the live chat thing but I could not get it to login/display properly. Could see the face icons and such, but rest was blank. Anyway...

I finally got the correct hostname, password, user name, etc. from my website hoster for the 2 databases I created for this mod so that I could finally finish the wowroster installation. I get to the config area now with both rosters, I added my guilds name to both and such. I get to the file upload section and go to the 'saved variables' folder in my account, find the files I believe I am to upload (characterprofiler.iua), hit upload, and the pc takes a bit and then displays the page 'update log' and I hit s'save update log' button, click 'open' I'm assuming. The next page displays all my character names, but beside them it displays their names in a box with 'ignored' written behind them all.

**A side note, live chat before once said that I can have both my guilds (DX Alliance and DX Horde) uploaded but to seperate databases. Yes, I downloaded the wowroster itself twice, once to each seperate roster folder (rosterall & rosterhor).**

I have just seen this roster on many sites now and I'm just in love with it. :) I just need help to get to the next part and have the roster and my character/guild info displayed like I see on other rosters. Once I get mine going, I will then have all my guildies download the profilers and get the full guild on there.

I click on roster, bank , etc. to see if the upload worked, but get stuff like 'no guild loaded & no characters loaded' etc. What am I doing wrong? Please help!!
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Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:15 am

First, post in the correct forum
This area is for 3rd-party AddOns and Mods only
If you would have read the Forum Rules you would have known that already

Next, did you read the WiKi?

Also, since you are using two rosters, know that GP can only save guild info for one(1) guild per realm
So if your guilds are on different servers you need to log into one, quit wow, upload CP.lua then log into the other, and repeat
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Re: Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:44 am

Well, I apologize for the incorrect forum posting. I had posted a wowroster question here before with no one getting upset and had my question answered properly. No need to be nasty.

Last time you told me to check the 'wiki' part, not everything was there yet due to your last hack that happened to you guys.

Both of my guild are on the same server. I was told before I could upload one and then the other. I take it by your post, I should log into my Alliance characters only, then upload that file which will empty it so to speak? Then do my Horde characters the same way?

Just trying to get this last part going so I can view this page on my website to show my guildies what a great roster mod this truly is.

Since I did the roster scans on all my toons without knowing only one guild at a time, can I simply delete the cp.iua file, then start over? As stated above, just login and scan Alliance only characters, then upload to the Alliance roster page?

Thank you and again sorry for the 'incorrect' posting in the wrong forum.
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Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:59 am

I just deleted the charcter and guild profiler iua files so I had a fresh start. The only character I scanned was with my GM of our Alliance guild. I scanned the guild as well as his own stuff (bank, bags, spellbook, etc.). I followed the steps on the wiki forum you submitted. I go to upload and it displays: Jindrak@Eldre'Thalas Ignored.

What did I do wrong?
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Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:07 am


I know I can read and followed the directions perfectly. Now I get the 'ignored' after DX Alliance @ Eldre'Thalas as well.
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Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:26 am

Just because a post is either unanswered or answered but is in the wrong place does't mean that it's not in the right place

I'm sorry if I seemed nasty, that's not the impression I intended

Now as for your guilds being on the same server, this we may be able to get through

You have two separate installations of roster correct?
( know :) )

Anyway, then we have two separate databases named for their file locations for simplicity

Also, be sure to have each roster configured properly
Correct any misspellings, case errors, or utf-8 encodings in the guild name or realmname input boxes
Since I see that each guild is either "Jindrak" or "DX Alliance" (correct me if I'm wrong) and the realmname is "Eldre'Thalas", it will only be the case that matters

The best way I can think of to acomplish this is to do the following
  • Exit WoW completely
  • Delete your CP.lua and CP.lua.bak files
  • Log into your alliance guild and gather data
  • Exit WoW completely
  • Upload CP.lua to your alliance roster (rosterA)
  • Delete your CP.lua and CP.lua.bak files
  • Log into your horde guild and gather data
  • Exit WoW completely
  • Upload CP.lua to your horde roster (rosterH)
  • Rinse and repeat as nessessary
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Re: Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:14 pm

Zanix my friend, the apology should be all mine. Just getting over a severe case of bronchitis and just took your response as nasty. You are helping me. Just my first forum post a few months back was answered with nothing saying it was in the wrong place, otherwise, I would have dug deeper to find the appropriate forum to post in this time. Still friends? :thumright:

Okay, to the issue at hand..

Yes, I have two seperate downloads of the roster mod as well as two seperate databases for each guild roster on my website - both have their own page and are assigned accordingly - rosterA/rosterH. I have doubled checked the spelling as I saw another post regarding that and it all seems to be accurate. Both guilds are on Eldre'Thalas server - DX Alliance and DX Horde. Jindrak is the Guild Master for the A and Nedohr is the GM for the H. Not sure what 'utf-8' coding is but there are no special characters or weird spellings of the guild names, server, or GM names.

I deleted the cp.iua & cp.iua.bak files last night when I tried this again. The only character I logged in as was Jindrak on the A side. I did the guildroster scan and it showed complete and then I did the full character scan with him including bank, professions, spellbook, etc. I then logged completely out of WoW. I then, as your instructions show, pulled up the Alliance only roster page on our website and went to upload the cp.iua file and that's when I got the 'ignored' after Jindrak and DX Alliance in the 'Update Log' box.

Any other suggestions? I fully understand about scanning my Alliance only characters first, uploading, deleting the cp.iua files, then doing the same for my Horde only characters. I'm just not sure why I'm getting the 'ignored' posting this time around seeing as it was a fresh start with cp.iua files.

I feel I owe you big time as I seem to be the only clown not getting this to work for his website. :scratch:
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Re: Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby zanix » Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:41 am

DXduhman wrote:Just getting over a severe case of bronchitis and just took your response as nasty.

Ewww sounds nasty, but then when I feel nasty, everything seems nasty, people food, etc...
DXduhman wrote:Still friends? :thumright:

Sure, I guess....if I have to :roll: LoL

DXduhman wrote:Okay, to the issue at hand..

Weird stuff
Do me a favor and attatch your CP.lua file
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Re: Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:23 am

LOL, too funny. I guess if we have to be friends...muah..

Attaching the file now..
(422.64 KiB) Downloaded 273 times
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Problem with getting the first uploads going!!

Postby DXduhman » Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:24 am

Just realized that may have some Horde as I have logged into my horde earlier when I got home to check some auctions. I did NOT hit the save button so maybe it should be okay?
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