Native Roster DKP AddOn

A Native Roster DKP system

Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Mathos » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:54 pm

I am currently working on the admin interface and on the re-write of the importer. The importer has at the moment the highest priority as we want to make it n00b proof as possible.

Indeed I want to release it soonish, which is for stability prolly a beta early next month.
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Lorkam » Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:33 pm

Mathos wrote:I am currently working on the admin interface and on the re-write of the importer. The importer has at the moment the highest priority as we want to make it n00b proof as possible.

Indeed I want to release it soonish, which is for stability prolly a beta early next month.

I been checking all over for a dkp system that is stable and it always seems that I end up coming back here. You guys do some great work here and I'm looking forward to beta mathos.
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Lorkam » Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:23 pm

Matt_Miller wrote:I recommend this addon for raid tracking! ... odded.html

Is there a addon that you all would recommend to use as a ingame auctioneer?
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Renik » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:44 am

I think this was covered already, but there was so much jumping around with questions and weird written questions, etc I'll post it again anyway.

Our guild does DKP based on the items dropped from a boss, X is worth 150, Y is worth 50 and Z is worth 100. Currently everyone in the raid splits the total DKP value of the items. So 300/39 = 7.69 DKP earned off those drops. (minus the guy who bids on the item, who loses that value of 150, etc)

I "think" the way i read one of your answers that this will not be possible to do in this DKP system setup. Am I correct?
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby silverscout » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:22 am

no Renik, she said if I remember right that she will not emplement zero sum DKP but the script can be modded to do so if you have the coders to mod it.
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Mathos » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:28 pm

It all comes down to what is possible to trace. If things are not traced by RaidTracker, then no, it will not be possible to automate such stuff.

But anyway, I am concentrating on the Timed Based DKP system first. Once that is released, I will document it thoroughly so that people will be able to make adjustments. Naturally people need advanced PHP knowledge to do so, because this stuff is not light programming. There is soo much information that needs processing.

Naturally I will be available to help people that are stuck in modding the DKP system. I am even willing to make pages if more than just one person (lets say 5 people minimum) would request such systems.

But at this moment I am just trying to get it beta ready, which is currently hard enough :P
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Mathos » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:29 pm

p.s. Beela may be of the female is still fantasy :P
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby johnnydement » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:33 pm

It is tracked in raid tracker, RT tracks items droped so it is even easier, the only problem is to give the dkp values to items :D think easy way for dev, is to ask for dkp of item when updating rooster for the admin to write it :D

Anyway, keep the god work on the current dkp system :D
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby dreadkgt » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:08 am

Anyway to make a DUAL DKP system? Class item DKP, than the DKP for Hybrid Items (i.e non class drops etc)?
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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Renik » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:17 am

silverscout wrote:no Renik, she said if I remember right that she will not emplement zero sum DKP but the script can be modded to do so if you have the coders to mod it.

"zero sum" means nothing to me, but if you know what i'm talking about and say no, then i'll take your word for it. =o)

Once i see the beta out i'll take a look and see what we can do with it and if its worth switching from eqdkp

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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Mathos » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:28 am

I think I will be able to sqeeze the functionality in since I am re-writing the stuff anwyay

I will let you know the progress.
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby johnnydement » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:10 am

That is great nathos ;D thx

If you need any info on how our item systems work please ask :)
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby velpoman » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:21 am

I think there is a surprising amount of pent up demand for this addon. Will you be making a paypal style donation location available?

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Re: Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby Mathos » Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:06 am

hehe, might do that indeed :P

Actually there is a Paypal already up for Roster naturally!!!

Any info on the system you use would be very usefull! So please post it, but make it detailed including complete calculations.
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Native Roster DKP AddOn

Postby johnnydement » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:51 pm

Easy as pie :D

Each drop has a dkp price, so for example some Z'G drops, [Seal of the Gurubashi Berserker] 16.5, [Runed Bloodstained Hauberk] 56.95, [Mar'li's Touch] 23.8.

So everytime someone gets them they loss the dkp stated, and the rest get the proportional part of that dkp, being a 20 man raid, and the one getting the item not gaining dkp but losing, each player gets 1/19 of the dkp price of the item. If nobody wants the item, it goes to bank, and then instead of 1/19, each player gets 1/20.

The idea is at the end the dkp gained/lost in the guild has to be equal to 0

You can have negative dkp, but obviously, if you ask for an item having negative dkp, will be easy for the rest of raid to overpass you :)


Player A has 10 dkp
Player B has -47 dkp
Player C has 53.5 dkp
Player D has 0 dkp
Player E has -16.5 Dkp

chechsum 0

So player a gets [Runed Bloodstained Hauberk] 56.95

Being just 5 players they would earn 1/4 instead 1/19

Player A has -46.95 dkp (-56.95)
Player B has -32.77 dkp (+14.23)
Player C has 67.73 dkp (+14.23)
Player D has 14.23 dkp (+14.23)
Player E has -2.27 Dkp (+14.23)

chechsum 0

For sure I've done the mats bad :D
Last edited by johnnydement on Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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