zanix wrote:The locale files would have to be combed through and converted
As well as alot of functions that depend on the original coding for word matching would have to be changed as well
In short, this won't happen for 1.7.1
Truly ? The local files are already utf8 compliants ( html entities like & or € works) and strings used in regexp are already written in utf8 because lua files are in utf8, so stored data are in utf8.
My own version works quite well. Some troubles with Bonus summary but I have not noticed any other problem (some localization problems I think, regexp not realy the same, but that's not the point).
Moreover, version 1.7.0 already works in utf8, except the database that is set in the defaut encoding negociated by php-mysql extension : if the mysql client default encoding is utf8, you don't have to write any code.
If you want, I can check into whole code to verify I'm not telling foolish things.
(yes I know, I'm quite tenacious, but it's my nature

, don't take offence ; I bore my workmates with such utf8 considerations

because I am convinced that unicode is the better way to solve transcoding problems ; make no mistake, I just want to share my own experience, and when you start to work in utf8, you'd better code all in utf8 without any transcoding)
For the others that are interested in utf8
I didn't write it will be fine to incorporated in 1.7.1 , I juste wrote that developpements to migrate to utf8 will be easier that you think, and will solve many many localization problems.