I am having difficulty with the roster correctly listing a member as a main and his alts. Originally he had his warrior as his main. When we had a large influx of warriors, he switched over to his hunter as his main. We have correctly labeled his toons (he has 4 in the guild) so that they should pick up the new set up, but it always messes up.
Usually it will list his hunter as a mainless alt of the warrior, then the other alts as mainless alts because they are alts of the hunter. I have gone into the DB and corrected it by hand and it works correctly. I have deleted my CharacterProfiler.lua, and then examined the new one it gerenates. Everything is correct untill I update the roster, then it goes right back to how it was.
http://www.atroposguild.com/roster/addo ... AltMonitor
Any ideeas as to why it is being difficult?