Fix here - ... .html#5126
I didin't find the right place for the addon Recipe, so i post here
(Sorry if it's wrong place

I've notice that for the integrated recipe addon Roster, it missing
the display of the level for french roster:
A good displaying of level

A wrong displaying of the level "niveau" in french (my roster ... filterbox=
First i try to investigate in localization.php
Here the result of my translation (hope this helps !!)
- Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy'] = 'Rezeptesuche';
$wordings['deDE']['professionfilter'] = 'Fertigkeit:';
$wordings['deDE']['itemdescription'] = 'Beschreibung';
$wordings['deDE']['whocanmakeit'] = 'Wird hergestellt von';
$wordings['deDE']['dnotpopulatelist'] = 'Leider nichts gefunden';
$wordings['deDE']['applybutton']= 'Start';
$wordings['enUS']['MadeBy'] = 'Made By';
$wordings['enUS']['professionfilter'] = 'Profession Filter:';
$wordings['enUS']['itemdescription'] = 'Item Description:';
$wordings['enUS']['whocanmakeit'] = 'Who can make it';
$wordings['enUS']['dnotpopulatelist'] = 'did not populate list';
$wordings['enUS']['applybutton']= 'Apply';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy'] = 'Metiers';
$wordings['frFR']['Level'] = 'Niveau';
$wordings['frFR']['professionfilter'] = 'Filtre profession:';
$wordings['frFR']['itemdescription'] = 'Description objet:';
$wordings['frFR']['whocanmakeit'] = 'Qui peut le faire';
$wordings['frFR']['dnotpopulatelist'] = 'ne pas inclure';
$wordings['frFR']['applybutton']= 'Appliquer';
But it didn't solve the level displaying
I check each file of the addon but no one contains the french word of level, so it must be elsewhere

In conf.php(of recipe) the level is 1
- Code: Select all
$display_recipe_level = 1; //Recipe Level column display ( 1 on | 0 off)
Here is the code of the web page for my roster and found the level in french word
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<!-- END [open-simpleborder] container --><table class="bodyline" cellspacing="0">
<th class="membersHeader"> Objet </th>
<th class="membersHeader"> Nom </th>
<th class="membersHeader"> Niveau </th>
<th class="membersHeader"> Réactifs </th>
<th class="membersHeader"> Qui peut le faire </th>
But i'm too dummy in php, to found where the problem is

Thanks for any help
PS: i'm modyfing in conf.php the level to 0 and tooltip to 1, that's displaying in the tooltip the required level to use tue item, but yo muste have a wide-sceen to show

- Code: Select all
$display_recipe_level = 0; //Recipe Level column display ( 1 on | 0 off)
$display_recipe_tooltip = 1; //Recipe tooltip column display ( 1 on | 0 off )