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Roster Installation
Installation guide
Installation Overview
- Make sure your web host supports MySQL and PHP
- See Roster's Requirements
- You'll need your login info to your MySQL and a database setup that Roster can use
- Download Roster and the Interface Imagepack
- Decompress the downloads on your local machine, then upload the expanded files to your site
- Most commonly, it ends up living in "www.[domain].com/roster"
- Browse to the roster install file, www.[domain].com/roster/install.php
- Follow on-screen instructions
- Roster is now installed...
- Configure Roster by going to Roster Config and checking out all the settings
- Check out the First Upload instructions for help
- Have guildies install CharacterProfiler (and optional PVPLog)
- Deputize people in the guild you trust with your roster's admin password to also run GuildProfiler Profiler Add-ons can be downloaded here
- Have everyone upload their data with regularity or look into using UniUploader or java UniUploader with UniAdmin
- Do not simply upload the zip file to your provider
- You should unzip to your desktop then upload the contents of the archive, and make sure to keep the file and directory structure intact!
- Download the Interface Imagepack
- It's easiest to unzip the files on your desktop and figure out where they go after you've done that
- Make sure you get all the image packs
- Every time Blizzard creates new icons for items, talents, spells, etc... a new image pack is released
- For full functionality, be sure to have all current image packs installed
- We keep a full zip archive with the latest files, and some upgrade zip archives
- Configuring Roster (*ROSTERDIR*/admin.php) - ACCESS VIA WEB!
- Check out the First Upload instructions for help
- Do not worry about GuildProfiler.lua
- There's nothing you need in there, either during installation or when updating information
- All the info you should care about is in CharacterProfiler.lua
Installing Roster
(Figure 'phpMyAdmin Create Database')
(Figure 'phpMyAdmin Database Created')
Create, or have ready a MySQL database that WoWRoster can use.
It should already have a username and password assigned to it.
Step 1
Making sure to keep the directory structure intact, move the unzipped files to a web-accessible directory.
Step 2
All files and directories should be owned by your webserver's user/group
(Example: chown apache.apache -R *).
All .php files should be readable/executable
$ chmod a+rx -R *.php
Step 3
If you want the installation script to automatically set up your conf.php file for you, it should be readable/writeable
Note: The installer will attempt to do this for you, but should an error occurr, you may need to do this manually:
$ chmod 666 conf.php
Step 4
Browse to www.[domain].com/roster/install.php
(Figure 'WoWRoster Install Step 1')
You should be presented with a page describing your server's settings and information.
Once you are sure that your server meets WoWRoster's requirements, you can click the [ Start Install ] button.
On this step, you may be presented with information
- 'WoWRoster Install Step 1b' - The conf.php file has been created successfully
- 'WoWRoster Install Step 1c' - conf.php could not be created and you should create it manually, or let the installer finish and it will give you a download
- 'WoWRoster Install Step 1d' - conf.php has been set writable so the installer can edit it
- 'WoWRoster Install Step 1e' - conf.php could not be set readable, so you should do so manually
Step 4-1
(Figure 'WoWRoster Install Step 2')
- Database Host:
- Your MySQL server name.
- If it resides on the same server as the web server, you should enter 'localhost'
- Some hosts may not have the mysql server on the same server as the web server, so you should contact your host and get the correct server location
- Database Name:
- The name of the database you created for WoWRoster, usually 'roster'.
- Database Username:
- The username with permission to access the database.
- If you didn't create the database yourself, your host should have given you this information.
- Database Password:
- The password used with the username from above.
- Databse Prefix for Roster tables:
- Simply prefixes the name of each table that WoWRoster creates and uses.
- The default of 'roster_' should be sufficient for most installations.
- Roster URL Path:
- Should be detected automatically by the installation script, but if not just enter the path following the domain name where the script is located.
- Examples:
Full path to the install script Enter this in "Roster URL Path" 'www.[domain].com/user/roster' '/user/roster' 'www.[domain].com/roster' '/roster' 'www.[domain].com' ''
- Main Site URL:
- Should be detected automatically by the installation script, but if not just put the domain name of your server here
- ( ex: http://www.[domain].com )
Step 4-2
(Figure 'WoWRoster Install Step 3')
- Administrator Password:
- A password of your choosing.
- Administrator Password [ confirm ]:
- Simply re-type the password to verify it.
Step 5
After you're satisfied with the values for the above fields, click the button to proceed.
The installer will automatically fill your conf.php file.
(Figure 'WoWRoster Install Step 4')
If the creation of conf.php failed, the installer will give you the option to download this file, then you can upload it to your web server.
You will be notified if your passwords didn't match (Figure 'WoWRoster Install Step 4b'), and it will be reset to a default of "admin"
You can change this later by going to Roster Config.
Navigate to Roster Control Panel, this is where you can configure all aspects of WoWRoster.
After that, you're ready to begin using WoWRoster.
You should now have a functional installation of WoWRoster.
Remove the files install.php, upgrade.php and the install/ folder for extra security.
Upgrading Roster
As always, we recommend a fresh install, in a clean folder, and a clean database.
But for those that absolutely need to upgrade, we have worked really hard for you on the upgrade script.
Special Instructions for 1.6.0 to 1.7.x
This information is specific on upgrading from Roster 1.6.0 to 1.7.x
Back up your conf.php file!
WoWRoster 1.7.x DOES have a new conf.php file, so you should back it up!
The new conf.php file should be automatically be upgraded for you.
If this fails, the upgrader will give you the option to download this file, then you can upload it to your web server.
Access www.[domain].com/roster/upgrade.php
YOU MUST go to www.[domain].com/roster/upgrade.php
If you go to any other page, it WILL display "Detected Invalid Access..."
Make sure you visit the Roster Config page
You will need to visit this page as the upgrader only upgrade certain important fields from version 1.6.0
General Instructions
Step 1
This cannot be stressed enough.
You should consider using phpMyAdmin (
This can use 'Completed Inserts' that will be necessary if you need to restore the database.
Step 2
Seriously, go back up your database since you skipped step 1.
Step 3
Back up your conf.php file.
Usually we would never touch this file during an upgrade...but just in case something weird happens
Step 4
Unzip the new WoWRoster version.
Overwrite ALL files!
It's best to delete everything in the roster folder EXCEPT! your conf.php file.
Step 5
Access www.[domain].com/roster/upgrade.php
Select the version you're upgrading from.
The script will perform all the necessary changes to upgrade from the version you selected to the newest version.
Step 6
Navigate to Roster Config, this is where you can configure all aspects of WoWRoster.
Remove the files install.php, upgrade.php and the install/ folder for extra security.
Re-Installing Roster
Perhaps there has been some weird problem that you cannot solve
Such as database corruption, updating errors, data errors, etc...
You can try re-installing Roster
Pre re-install
Make sure you have the install directory and install.php in your roster folder on your web server
Step 1
Delete conf.php from the roster directory
Step 2
Drop all `roster_` tables in the database you created for Roster
Note: `roster_` may be different if you changed the table prefix
You can also just drop the database you created for Roster
If you didn't create a new database for Roster, use the first method for removing the tables
Step 3
Run install.php
Un-Installing Roster
First of all, we'd like to thank you for trying our software and hope it was a good experiance for you
Sometimes Roster doesn't work on all servers although we try our best to improve this aspect
Step 1
Remove/delete the roster directory from your webserver
Step 2
Drop all `roster_` tables in the database you created for Roster
Note: `roster_` may be different if you changed the table prefix
You can also just drop the database you created for Roster
If you didn't create a new database for Roster, use the first method for removing the tables