PvPLog 2.99.8 Alpha

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PvPLog 2.99.8 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:21 am

I've attached a zip of the current SVN code, v2.99.5 Alpha

I've only received localization for deDE so that and enUS are the locales with the best chance of working.

I suspect there will be bugs so you might want to run with "/pvplog debug on". You can edit the per character PvPLog2.lua savedvariables to turn it on automatically. Please follow the instructions in Capturing PvPLog debugging information to report bugs.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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PvPLog 2.99.5 Alpha

Postby zanix » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:16 pm

I may pvp this weekend and hopefully I won't forget to run pvplog
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Re: PvPLog 2.99.5 Alpha

Postby BreeOge » Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:21 am

Downloaded and testing, I will report any bugs I may find. Sorry for not testing the alpha earlier before 2.4, but since it wasn't broke, I never come to the site often for updates hahah..
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PvPLog 2.99.5 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:51 am

If you PvP in the Battlegrounds, don't bother with PvPLog yet because its hopelessly broken at the moment. Probably won't work in Arenas either. It does appear to be working in world PvP.

Blizzard made some last minute changes in how the realm name gets combined with the character name. It even appears that they are making running changes as well. I'm trying to get it all sorted out but chasing a moving target with "alpha" quality software is proving to be a challenge.


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PvPLog 2.99.5 Alpha

Postby Minarth » Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:55 pm

Hi all!

I have been running Pvplog since 2.0. I just now found this site because I was paranoid that the mod had been discontinued for 2.4. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see that it is still in the works.

I have a pvp guild and Pvplog is a required guild addon. If you need any help with testing, I would love to help, as would most of my guild.

Keep up the great work!

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Re: PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:17 am

PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha is attached.

This one has a much better chance of working in the Battlegrounds and maybe even in the Arenas.

BTW... Its not my fault that your kills are going unreported... see UNIT_DIED event isn't firing


Last edited by bsmorgan on Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha

Postby zort » Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:40 pm

Hey bsmorgan,

I used to use PVP log pre-BC and just though about using it again recently. Glad to see that the mod is still in development. I love the new interface. Im curious why is there a PVPlog2 folder with 1 file in it? Does this have any significance to the mod? Also using your latest mod version, I like to notify my guild members of pvp kills and deaths but it doesnt seem to be notifying at all.
Last edited by zort on Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:29 pm

zort wrote:Im curious why is there a PVPlog2 folder with 1 file in it? Does this have any significance to the mod?

The main data is stored in the global savedvariables file as PvPLog.lua. The name of this file is determined by Blizzard.

Debug data is stored in the per character savedvariables file originally named PvPLog.lua. This caused problems as bug reports needed to send both the global savedvariables file and the per character savedvariables file both of which had the same name. :idea: I created the addon PvPLog2 which saves the per character debug data from PvPLog giving this savedvariables file a different name!

zort wrote:Also using your latest mod version, the battleground kills seem to be logged properly but the notify function isnt working.

I noticed that as well but until I can investigate further, I believe the WoW bug reported in the previous reply is responsible for this. :twisted: That's right, I'm blaming Blizzard :shock:


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PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha

Postby zort » Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:54 pm

After further use of the mod, I determined that the notify function is indeed working. My problem initially I think is that nobody from my guild was online (does the mod know how to detect this?). However, once one or two people logged in from the guild, the mod started reporting correctly to the guild chat. I actually disabled the duel and battleground record keeping because that's actually more annoying than it is amusing... but the mod still seemed to be keeping those records and telling me "PVP Log Killed" for everyone I killed in the battleground. Additionally, the mod didn't seem to want to log some kills for reasons unknown. It also would report me as killing someone I did not, just because I contributed. For example, I got killed during a large battle and while running back to my corpse the notifyer was triggering on peoples death. I know that there are bugs in the new combat log, so maybe this has something to do with it. Good work nonetheless. I dont mind you blaming things on Blizzard. Sometimes it takes them a few weeks to work out all the kinks from a new patch... though I'll never understand why since I'm sure they have plenty of money to spend on testing. :)
Last edited by zort on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PvPLog 2.99.6 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:31 pm

There are no specific tests in PvPLog to determine the population of guild chat.

There are switches to disable BG and Duel notification as well as switches to disable BG and Duel recording. The notifications from these two areas can be annoying so I included the ability to turn it off. If you are seeing PvPLog output from duels, please capture this data and send it to me (see the sticky topic for details).

If you have notify off and record on, then PvPLog will output a single record to your own chat when it records a death or a kill.

If PvPLog is reporting kills after you have died and you are not a class that can apply DoTs, then this is most likely a bug in PvPLog. This is, after all, an "Alpha" release and these are the bugs that need to be found and fixed before I can move to "Beta" or "Release" status.

Please follow the instructions posted in the sticky topic at the top of this forum and provide me with the information I need to investigate these problems. I realize that if you are in a BG you probably can't stop at that point, but I've provided a command, "/pvplog debug save" that will copy the current debug log buffer so the information I'll need doesn't get scrolled away as the battle continues. There's only one save buffer so you can only capture one anomoly at a time.
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PvPLog 2.99.7 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:46 pm

PvPLog 2.99.7 is attached.

Small changes in the filtering of combat log messages. Waiting for WoW 2.4.2 to verify that the changes actually work.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PvPLog 2.99.7 Alpha

Postby mobius » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:57 am

id be glad to do in game testing i love this addon i was 2 late for the poll i will hate 2 see it go
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PvPLog 2.99.7 Alpha

Postby gomi » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:15 pm

My entire guild has been testing 2.99.6 and for the most part the only problem we have encountered is the UNIT_DIED not triggering.
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Re: PvPLog 2.99.8 Alpha

Postby bsmorgan » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:42 pm

Still waiting for WoW 2.4.2 before some code can be tested. This version should keep track of pets, minions, creations (totems), and guardians in the enUS client and credit kills by those entities to their owners. Some portion of the above will also work in the deDE client. All other clients will most likely not work.

My testing has shown that the above code is not 100% reliable. If the owner of the pet doesn't attack you or you don't target the owner, then
you won't have the owner data necessary for the report. For any other cases, if you turn on debugging (/pvplog debug on) and submit a bug report when it fails, I can try and make it better.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Wed May 14, 2008 2:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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PvPLog 2.99.8 Alpha

Postby mad_sprayer » Thu May 01, 2008 5:12 am


Just wan to say this is a great mod.
I was playing a BG without problems.
But then i went for Goldshire to try a duel.
I had a fight but did see there was no record for the duel and i did not get the text added in the tooltip for the player.

Keep up the good work :)
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