Get Roster 2.0 and SigGen 0.3.0
An easily configurable signature and avatar generator
Supports saving generated images as static images and custom per-member character images and backgrounds
Current version: 0.2.6
Photoshop files version: 2.5

The updates here are compatible ONLY with the standalone version of WoWRoster and WoWRosterDF
In other words, this is NOT likely going to work on other ports of Roster
0.3.0 Documentation (English only)
There is no documentation for 0.2.6 since it is not supported
Look here for future updates, changes, bug fixes, etc...
CHANGE LOG: Last changed 06.17.07
A full change log can be found on the WiKi Roster > Addon > SigGen > Change Log
06.17.07 - v0.2.6
- SigGen
- Fixed: SQL is now correct again
This also fixes the guildname issue in a clean install of v0.2.5 - Fixed: Talent Points order
- Fixed: SQL is now correct again
- SigGen Config
- Changed: Version check uses version_compare() instead of a string compare
06.16.07 - v0.2.5
- SigGen
- Fixed: You can use name= again
SigGen for WoWRosterDF MUST use member= - Fixed: av.php and sig.php now use full paths to siggen.php
- Added: Ability to remove accents from saved images
This will convert accented characters in a player's name to non accented characters when saving images
WARNING: All players with names that map to the same name can and will be overwritten - Added: Talent spec and talent points (thanks ulminia)
- Fixed: You can use name= again
- SigGen Config
- Fixed: Missing slash in readfile() in trigger.php
- Fixed: Missing slash in preview link
- Changed: Version check now uses rss feed for downloads
03.09.07 - v0.2.4
- SigGen
- Fixed: SigGen Update Service can now be turned of in conf.php
- Fixed: frFR Error
- Changed: Save images directory is now set full path
Use %s% as if it was the full path to the SigGen folder
Use %r% as if it was the full path to the roster folder
The $_GET (URL) var name= is no longer used!
Use member= now!
SigGen Runs in WoWRosterDF now! - SigGen Config
- Fixed: Save images directory setting should still show if there is a folder error, allowing it to be changed
- Changed: Removed empty password check
- Added: A link to the preview image above the preview image block
02.14.07 - v0.2.3
- SigGen
- Fixed: esES locale
- SigGen Config
- Changed: Now using the pretty radio buttons, and checkboxes on some input fields
- Changed: Removed class define on file upload fields
- SigGen.php
- Fixed: Background images, so now the background is transparent no matter what!
- Fixed: Error catching on getimagesize()
- Changed: Gif images can now be used for the background source
- Added: Added GET variable 'format' which can override the output image format
Accessing images like /sig.php/Name.png also works (by changing the extension)
01.27.07 - v0.2.2
- SigGen
- Fixed: Auto-Save images mode on guild updates (Update Trigger)
- Added: esES localization, thanks nekromant
- Changed: PvP Rank to Lifetime PvP rank since current rankings are depreciated in WoW
01.17.07 - v0.2.1
- SigGen
- Fixed: 'square' Rogue icon
- Added: Support for saving images with UniUploader
- Added: Blood Elf and Draenei character images
- Added: 3 more frames, blocky, oldstyle, and one for avatars
- Changed: Re-worked trigger.php, please let me know of any errors
01.06.07 - v0.2.0
- Signatures are now saved to roster/addons/siggen/sig/CharName.png by default
No longer with the prefix sig- - Avatars are now saved to roster/addons/siggen/ava/CharName.png by default
No longer with the prefix ava- - SigGen
- Fixed: Hiding of Riding skill
- Added: Limited support for image packs
background, character, class, pvp, frames (kinda), levelbubble (kinda), and borders (kinda) - Added: .gif .jpg image support (.gif not available on backgrounds)
Custom uploaded images can also be .gif, .jpg, or .png
The custom image code searches for image types in this order [.png > .gif > .jpg] - Added: Partial localization, the errors and information displayed in SigGen can now be localized, the rest to come soon
- Added: Settings import and export added, share your SigGen creations or back them up!
- Changed: SigGen now honors transparency in .png backgrounds
Implemented a pixel-by-pixel copy scheme that fails with .gif images - Changed: Moved "SigGen Works" to SigGen config, it is no longer in conf.php
- Changed: Using proper "direct file access" protection
- Changed: Guild Info is now pulled from the Roster global $guild_info
- SigGen Config
- Fixed: Config gets the settings after reset, like it's supposed to, again
- Fixed: Upgrade check moved so you can't upload/delete images or reset before upgrading
- Added: Version number now shows in config panel
- Added: Remote version checking
SigGen now checks if there is a newer version available for download - Changed: Fonts and Color config are gone!
Each font and color field is now set separately
- SigGen.php
- Fixed: ini_set() usability is checked before it is used
- Changed: Error system greatly improved
Errors will now display as an image, so you do not have to right click on the image, and open in another window to see the error
If there is a problem with the error image, it will default back to text mode - Changed: Improved the getEnglishValue() function some
It will scan every main Roster locale installed
- New weirdness in this version
- Selecting a new background image pack will reset all options for background images
- You MUST enter the background config section and set all the options when changing the background image pack
- Selecting a new character image pack will reset the default character image option
- You MUST reset this when changing the character image pack
- Selecting a new background image pack will reset all options for background images
Delete the entire SigGen folder, and drop the table `roster_addon_siggen`
An upgrade is available, but not suggested
If you do upgrade, make sure you still delete the SigGen folder
The location of images have changed drastically
If you do not reset settings, you can still do so from the config panel if errors occur
Default settings have changed!