* Method to get a locale string using the passed key/addonname/locale
* Pass a key to return the desired locale string
* If addonname is not passed, it will return $roster->locale->wordings[$locale][$key]
* If locale is not passed, it will default to the current locale setting
* @param string $key | Locale string to return
* @param string $addon | Addon to search key
* @param string $locale | Locale to search key
* @return string
function get_string( $key , $addon='' , $locale='' )
if( $locale == '' )
$locale = $this->curlocale;
$lang = '';
if( $addon != '' )
$localefile = ROSTER_ADDONS . $addon . DIR_SEP . 'locale' . DIR_SEP . $locale . '.php';
if( file_exists($localefile) )
$enUSfile = str_replace($locale . '.php','enUS.php',$localefile);
if( file_exists($enUSfile) )
if( isset($lang[$key]) )
return $lang[$key];
elseif( isset($this->wordings[$locale][$key]) )
return $this->wordings[$locale][$key];
elseif( isset($this->act[$key]) )
return $this->act[$key];
return '';
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