Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

With this addon you'll be able to view planned events from GuildEventManager or GroupCalendar

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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:55 pm

So i decided to upgrade the Event Calendar addon for Roster 2.0. Well so far i have gotten the install.def.php file to be read by roster itself. What i have failed to do is recode the addon itself to where after it is installed you can visit the pages. I got all the stuff put into different folders but when you go to the event calendar it gives fatal errors. If anyone wants to take a crack at it be my guest. Please Just post what you get onto this topic so i can disect it and see what i did wrong :). Thanks
Lyco AKA tuaguild in IRC
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Re: Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Nefuh » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:28 am

Hey Lyco,

i´ve recoded your addon. But i can´t test it because i´ve none of the needed addons ;)

There were many special database queries and orders. I´ve tried to recode it but i did not know if all of the orders are available in the new database layer.

I´ve installed it on my local testroster and the frontend, works :)

Try this version, i hope you find it usefull and can complete your work.

What have i done:

Replace $wowdb by $roster->db
Replace $roster_config by $roster->config
Replaced some globals in the functions (add $roster, $addon)
Added original language files (deDE.php, frFR.php)
Replaced all language variables by $roster->locale->act
Moved some files in the right directory
Edited trigger.php and renamed it to update_hook.php
Recoded Version
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Re: Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:42 am

Hummmm well it installs great but when you go to load it it gives me a error
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'addons/EventCalendar/inc/functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/d/a/r/darthice/html/components/com_wowroster/addons/EventCalendar/guild/index.php on line 11

i tried everything to fix it but to no avail
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:45 pm

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'addons/EventCalendar/inc/functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/d/a/r/darthice/html/components/com_wowroster/addons/EventCalendar/guild/index.php on line 11

Anyone know how to fix this problem?
I put the index.php code into the postbin if anyone wants to look at it there are two versions i tried both neither work. If you can help please do
Lyco AKA Tuaguild
Last edited by Lyco on Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Nefuh » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:06 am

Hey if found a lot of bugs on my lat version :( Sorry for that, but here a two new versions, that´s works on my local testsystem with GuildEventManager2.

There´s no recode for the other addon.

Your failure message is because the basepath is not YOUR JOOMLA DIR/components/com_wowroster/. Because of using Joomla the basepath is where Joomla is installed (so you need to add ./components/com_wowroster/).

Here are a file only for use in com_wowroster and one for the normal roster. Try it, it should actually work with GuildEventManager2.

Version for the standalone version of roster.
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Version only for use with com_wowroster
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:10 pm

well it installs and everything shows up except for the events in Group Calendar i think i may try GEM2 but i like Group Calendar more. For some reason i think it is not putting the events into the database and i dont know why that is. It may be the order of the commands i think it may be trunicating the tables after updating the events
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby tuigii » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:32 pm

This version ( 'works'.

Localized in French & English.

Any detailled feedback or comments about the usage with Group Calendar are welcome.
This weekend, I'll install Group Calendar myself to check if it imports his data (lua) file.

Be carefull : this is an 'as-is' version - and not finshed at all.

It installs well, and can be removed 'well' :-)

But as you can see here, it works now for 3 weeks already without any problems for GEM2.

Added :
- Complete Admin config - no more conf.php file editting.
- Sanity check when importing
- Converted the entire import (update_hook) [have a look at it], but import file format didn't change.
- Modified the Instances Reset date algoritme somewhat
--> This has be be EU & US validated.

- Started a new Zones Array, so images for the new BC instances can be used/showed. Karazhan is done, as an example.
- There is a log (see on the bottom event list)
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:18 pm

there is no option to change from uploading gem or group calendar in your package. That is what conf.php was for mostly in the last version
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:30 pm

Notice line 440: Undefined index: Database
Warning line 441: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array
Warning line 441: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Notice line 440: Undefined index: Database
Warning line 441: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array
Warning line 441: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

That is the message that is coming up in the PHP Errors box for Nefuh's version i think it has something to do with the code used to parse GroupCalendar.lua
Last edited by Lyco on Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Nefuh » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:27 am

Yes, that´s possible.
There´re some old db functions like "$wowdb->add_value(`fieldname`, `fieldvalue`)" who are not on Roster 2.0 db or have been renamed. So i replaces this by a new variable $querystr_part, where i build the query. This has been done for parsing GuildEventManager2.lua, but not for GroupCalendar.lua.

I think the version of tuigii is the better one and if he could add parsing for groupcalendar.lua, it will be nice. I only take the original code an rewrite only needed code pieces to work with roster 2.0. More to help you getting started to self rewrite, as to make it completly working.

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Re: Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby tuigii » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:41 am

Lyco wrote:there is no option to change from uploading gem or group calendar in your package. That is what conf.php was for mostly in the last version

And what about format auto-detection :wink:

As said in the other 3 current threads (in parallel width this one - but exactly the same subject) : I don't have any experience with Group Calendar - I'm using GEM.

Anyway, I already found out that the Event Calendar data file DID change during its evolution. I'll install Group Calendar this weekend to analyse its data structure.
Making the parser accepting it afterwards won’t be that hard – (I didn’t saw the entire structure yet ^^).

If someone knows anything about this addon (and I'm not talking 'push-button-experience' here), can he stand up, please :)
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:31 am

Moved to the Event Calendar forum
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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Lyco » Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:56 am

I will take a look at the Group Calendar addon itself and see what it is all about. and we can brainstorm on this issue.
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Re: Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby Tcheekin » Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:13 am

Not to drive the discussion another way but since most of those interested in guild driven calendering are watching, I thought I'd throw this out there. Any of you familiar with the Ace'd addon Combine? Just curious to see if others have sampled it.

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Beginning of Event Calendar for Roster 2.0

Postby foreseit » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:52 pm

I know a bit about Group Calendar... anything I can do to help? The structure of that add on looks like it's going to change in the next day or two.

As a side note, I can't figure out how to upload GC.lua in Tuigii's version. When I go to the update page, I see only an option for guildeventmanager2.lua.

and when I tried to upload groupcalendar.lua, I got:
Parsing files

* GroupCalendar.lua is not allowed for upload
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