To update/remode/add external items/quests links

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To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby jffire » Tue May 01, 2007 2:12 am

Hi all,

I've read somewhere that thottbot and allakhazan we're not so "clean" about keyloggers and stuff (Nothing confirmed thought...). For the following stuff, I've used the site So I wondered how I could change external links from my guild roster. Here's how I was able to do it:

First, to be able to change things in the "Find team" page:

Copy the file "search_alla.php" from the /lib folder and rename it "search_wowh.php".

Here's the content of the file:

Code: Select all
<?php print border('sorange','start'); ?>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" class="bodyline">
    <td valign="middle" class="membersRowRight1">
      <div align="center">
        <script type="text/javascript">var mt_style = 3</script>
      <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<?php print border('sorange','end'); ?><!-- END WOWH SEARCH BOX -->

Now you just go in the "questlist.php" from the home directory and add the following lines near where you can find the word "ROSTER_LIB.'search_alla.php'":

Code: Select all
echo "<table cellspacing=\"6\">\n  <tr>\n";
echo '    <td valign="top">';
echo "    </td>\n";

Note: You can as well put in comments/remove the other external links like thottbot...

Second, I've changed the characters quest page links as well by doing the following changes in the file enUS.php (In the /localization directory):

I've added this code at line 632 (or just search for "Thottbot" in the text):

Code: Select all

And also if you wish that all items links in the roster is using Wowhead, you can put in comments:

Code: Select all

to add the following line:
Code: Select all

Have fun :) It's working pretty sweet for me!

P.S. If you're not sure of the changes, you should take a backup of your files...

P.P.S Batteries not included
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To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby PleegWat » Tue May 01, 2007 4:33 am

Mod note: This should probably go in code cache, but I'm not gonna bother moving it.

Dev note: wowhead searching is supported in 1.8
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Re: To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby jffire » Tue May 01, 2007 4:59 am

heu... have I done anything wrong? Not sure to understand your note hehe :) I'm not used to post new stuff in there...
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To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby zanix » Tue May 01, 2007 9:11 am

You haven't done anything wrong, I think Pleeg was just saying that this post is better off in Code Cache
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To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby Dagas » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:49 am

I wont click on any item or any quest and open de searcher
any can help my please?
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Re: To update/remode/add external items/quests links

Postby jffire » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:28 pm

Im really not sure what you're talking about... Can you explain more clearly what you want to do?
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