I posted something that I thought it was cool and might be useful or helpful.
Removed because it was deemed not helpful at all and was belittled by those who are obviously much more Leet than I am.
many in my guild are reluctant to run another exe
Potpie wrote:Vanterax wrote:many in my guild are reluctant to run another exe
Yet your solution is to get curl.exe (didn't you just say they're reluctant to run another exe?) from a site called haxx.
I don't know, but that will fly even less with my guild.
You would point them at the site to get it themselves?No wonder it won't fly - you're not taking care of them.
They get a package from me - a batch file that is fully commented: they need only edit in their WoW path to SV; and the curl.exe command line utility.
Both are dropped in the WoW root folder - then either launch the game with the batch file, or comment out the wow.exe call and set up a Scheduled Task.
Potpie wrote:LOL @ you guys. So skeptical -- did you even spend any time at all reading about Curl, or are you just poo-pooing it off the cuff?
It is a shame when people discount & criticize something without doing their homework.
Curl is something that is open source and respected in the Linux-head community, that has been around for a loooong time.
All the source code is right there - precompiled, binaries, etc.
Every single one of my people who won't use UniUploader absolutely love Curl & using the batch file method.
I've increased my regular uploaders by over 300%.
They can see all the nuts and bolts and that makes them comfortable.
Curl has been around forever in the *nix world I'm told -- I guess that's lost on most -- perhaps it was a mistake to share this method here & the simple elegance of uploading with curl is lost on this readership.
Potpie wrote:You would point them at the site to get it themselves?No wonder it won't fly - you're not taking care of them.
gorgeth wrote:UU should be open source, but even if it was ..
Vanterax wrote:gorgeth wrote:UU should be open source, but even if it was ..
Correction. UU *is* open source. You can download the source code from this site.
gorgeth wrote:Yah it is, so tell me again how one open source binary that requires a geek to set it up and manually editing batch files.. is better than the open source program that actually works out of the box for the task its designed for?
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