WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby [HOOd]-RynDog » Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:21 am

This may seem like a crude way of integrading WOW Roster, but this is how I have done it using IFRAMES that automaticlly adjust the users broweser for length. The only small downfall is the page takes a moment to load, as its just the WOW Roster embeded into a blank phpbb page.

I did not test my packaged ZIP. Let me know if you have any issues. Hope this helps out those of you using PHPBB. Im not much of a coder to actually integrade it WITH phpbb so this will have to do for now.

You can see this mod working at

Code: Select all
## MOD Title: RynDog's WOW Roster Intregation PHPBB <>
## MOD Author: [HOOD]-RynDog
## MOD Description: An easy way to integrade WOW Roster to your phpbb
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: (Easy)
## Installation Time: 8 Minutes
## Files To Edit:
##      overall_header.tpl
##      includes/page_header.php
##      viewonline.php
##      admin/index.php
##      language/lang_english/lang_main.php
##      includes/constants.php
## Included Files:
##      templates/yourtemplate/roster.tpl
##      roster.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes: This mod will allow you to have a roster.php page that will embed the WOW Roster
## into your phpbb.  Works well in Internet Explorer, not tested with other browsers.
## The mod uses IFrames and will adjust its size to fit into the browser.
## The MOD will not use phpbb ccs styles, you can customize colors and layouts in the
## original WOW Roster mod as normal.
## This mod was created using psychowolfman < > Blank_Template_MOD_1.0.2 and
## Dynamic Drive's DHTML IFRAME code from
## You can see this mod in action at
## For support ask at or email
## MOD History:
##   2006-07-13 - Version 1.0.0  MOD Created
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD

Let me know how it works for you :)
wow roster
WOW Roster phpbb Integrade
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Last edited by [HOOd]-RynDog on Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
[HOOd]-RynDog Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:09 am

WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Kaylaura » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:16 pm

Your demo link doesn't work... I think I found the page at though.
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Bloozie » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:45 am

Well... it's ugly... but it works ;) I don't care much for the delay caused by the javascript but until I get a few things of my own hashed out it'll do. When I'm done I'll post what I have as well.
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby elwaxoro » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:25 am

Bloozie- any success?

I'm very interested in conforming Roster's appearance to phpBB. I will try RynDog's mod for now, but something faster would be ideal.
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Bloozie » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:24 am

elwaxoro wrote:Bloozie- any success?

I'm very interested in conforming Roster's appearance to phpBB. I will try RynDog's mod for now, but something faster would be ideal.

Sorry, none yet. Been really busy at work. I'm a teacher and this module involves me giving them a 2 week crash course in Linux System Administration. We're 1 week thru, 1 week to go.

I should have some time between tomorrow and this weekend. When I do get something I'll post it. I promise. This does work for now, though.
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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby metacortex » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:40 am

When installing the script and running the index- or any other page the following error appears:
Code: Select all
Parse errorparse errorunexpected '}' in /srv/www/htdocs/web34/html/fusion/phpbb/includes/template.php(127) : eval()d code on line 298

It must be because of the changes in the overall-header.tpl-File, because suddenly after the changes, the error-message appears. :(

Any ideas/help?
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby [HOOd]-RynDog » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:39 am

metacortex wrote:When installing the script and running the index- or any other page the following error appears:
Code: Select all
Parse errorparse errorunexpected '}' in /srv/www/htdocs/web34/html/fusion/phpbb/includes/template.php(127) : eval()d code on line 298

It must be because of the changes in the overall-header.tpl-File, because suddenly after the changes, the error-message appears. :(

Any ideas/help?

Are you still having issues? Sorry, i haven't been here in awhile :(
[HOOd]-RynDog Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby [HOOd]-RynDog » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:43 am

I have abandoned the IFRAME concept. After using it for a month or so, there are too many issues with broweser compatablity, the IFRAME not resizing correctly, and if not used properly, the tabels running of the right side.

If I was better at php I could embed this correctly, I just dont have the time to learn it at... but never fear I have found another usefull way to make it work.

I am now using pop up windows, resized to a specific height and width without any toolbars and what not in the broweser window. It works much better, and I have not received 1 complaint.

I will post later on how to do this if you wish, let me know and I will package it up for you.

To see what I have done go to and click on ROSTER in the WOW menu at the top. I have also done the same with our DKP pages. It seems to work out very nicely. Though it would be nice to have everything embeded into phpbb, this works as a good second choice and still looks good.

Tell me if you want it.
[HOOd]-RynDog Apprentice Apprentice
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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby [HOOd]-RynDog » Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:50 am

I might quickly add, I am only using the ROSTER part of wow roster, none of the addons or other features. Our member are just to damn lazy to upload thier info. So when you check it out youll only see the roster and roster only. Though making small adjustments in the wowroster all the page will look fine in a pop up window.
[HOOd]-RynDog Apprentice Apprentice
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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Smoke » Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:24 pm

I'd like to take a peak. Mind sending me a package.. :)
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby [HOOd]-RynDog » Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:31 am

Ill post it here on, but your going to have to give me a couple of days, at work, and thanksgiving tommorow, iwont have time till friday or so.

you can see it in action though at
[HOOd]-RynDog Apprentice Apprentice
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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Niryk » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:08 pm

Although ideally, I want to be able to bring some stats over to phpBB from the roster, to start with, I just want to be able to have people chose to have their characters linked to their forum profile via the roster. I'm getting the feeling this is something I'm going to have to code myself though as it will require the roster to record the phpBB username that is associated with a set of characters, and then have phpBB load data from the roster tables...
Anyone had thoughts on doing this?
Anyone tried and decided it was more effort than it was worth?
Am I chasing a complete pipe dream?
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Re: WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby Lindia » Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:18 pm

I did a quick-and-dirty solution for PHPBB3 beta 2+. Basically, I created a table that mapped phpbb user ids with roster character names and added a module in the phpbb administration control panel that allows me to map/unmap the users. Then I modified the phpbb theme to display the roster data. Not an ideal solution, but it does work and didn't require too much coding. Unfortunately, isn't something that I can really package up and share, as it is just a hack; however I can verify that this approach is do-able.

Oh, and I used an auto-size-adjusting internal frame to embed the roster into a phpbb page, got the code on one of the forums here.
Last edited by Lindia on Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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WOW Roster phpbb Integrade

Postby sapphiron » Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:27 am

I have made that, the first version is ready for download in the "download section". I'll open a thread in this forum later.
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