Introducing ArmorySync

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Kristoff22 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:59 pm

ArmorySynch is finally available for a BETA release. ArmorySynch is an addon that extracts XML data feeds from Armory and inserts them into Roster using the pre-existing UpdateGuild and UpdateCharacter functions in the WoWDB class. Currently, in order to use ArmorySynch, you must edit index.php.

Here's what ArmorySynch can do:

Update your guild member list with WoW Armory (buggy, see below)
Update your character profiles with WoW Armory
-Currently synchs attributes, equipment, resistances, skills, and reputation

Here's what ArmorySynch does NOT do (and may never do, depending on Armory):
Pet Data
PVP (Except for Lifetime HK's)

There are currently 2 bugs I have found with the addon:
Guild Member List - This list is inaccurate coming from Armory. It seems to not be updating the guild list for inactive players. MAJOR PROBLEM. Because of this, I recommend that you only synch players AFTER you updated the guild list using CharacterProfiler.

Items - The icon name that Armory gives is not the same casing as what Roster uses. This means the proper image will not display on *nix machines. If you tell me the image name, I will update the appropriate function in functions.general.php, but you MUST tell me the image name.

There is also some unexpected behavior with ArmorySynch. If a Roster Dev got in touch with me, I would be happy to assist in showing where we would need to make minor changes to alleviate this. These fields are currently being overwritten by Armory data that does not exist, and are thus clearing prepopulated information:
Experience (SynchPlayer)
Last Zone (SynchPlayer)
Last Online (SynchGuild)
Officer Note (SynchGuild)
Ranged Ammo (SynchGuild)

As this is still in Beta form, there are 3 areas I would like to address. The first is the user interface. Currently, you must edit index.php in order to get ArmorySynch to work. The frontend is coming soon, but I wanted this to get out so that people could start getting me feedback. The 2nd area is the displaying of messages/errors, which could be cleaned up. The 3rd is documentation - sorry for the lack of it, but hopefully those of you who read code can understand what I've been doing - it's fairly clean (at least I think so ;))

************** PLEASE NOTE **********

I've tested this with my own Roster, which had already been initialized using CharacterProfiler. Because this is still in Beta form, you MUST make a backup of your roster database before using this addon. I hold no responsibility for any unexpected behavior, though you will be able to undo what you have done using the regular upload functions.

************** UPDATES ***************


1. Instead of synching the guild list with Armory, which is out of date anyway, by default it grabs all of the names of the members in Roster and synchs them. This seems to work a lot smoother and less buggy.

2. Added urlencode to realm/guild name's when making callout to Armory.

3. Added very temporary authentication. Simply add &Authenticate=true to your URL. Directions and examples are in index.php.


1. Added password protection (hooray security!)

2. Added ability to synch using a player name in the URL (bypasses security, but only updates a single player). I have NOT made any changes to any listings to support said functionality, but there are members who have posted code to do so.

3. Added a configuration file (config.php). This should be the ONLY file that needs to be editted (let me know if you edit something else). You can change the host to be from here.

4. Added better support for large guilds. ArmorySynch now by default excludes all players under level 10. It also excludes all players who HAVE updated in the last 24 hours, and orders the rest of the list by the players who were last seen online. These are modifiable in config.php

5. Changed the error descriptions for non-critical errors.


1. Fixed minor bug when selecting players to update.


1. Fixed minor bug with skills. Default to 1 if the max skill is 0.

***** ANNOUNCEMENT *******

Do not download Armory Sync from here. Updates are NOT made to this thread anymore. Please visit the Downloads section for updates.

Last edited by Kristoff22 on Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:27 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby gorgeth » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:36 pm

CRITICAL ERROR - no root XML node found
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasProp() on a non-object in /home/content/j/a/b/jabbathewocket/html/roster/addons/ArmorySynch/functions.parsing.php on line 3

If any of the lines are uncommented or changed in index php.. that will be thrown.. along with a *ton* of the following (even without having anything set in the index.php)

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /home/content/j/a/b/jabbathewocket/html/roster/addons/ArmorySynch/functions.synch.php on line 173
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Kristoff22 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:43 pm

Please post the code in your index.php here. Also, please include your realm and guild. My guess is that it's not getting any data from armory (especially if it's throwing critical errors).
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Leifthrasil » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:58 pm

Well, I got the same errors. It synced and updated the data, though, but created also an empty guild member without a name or level. Had to upload an existing CharacterProfiler data to remove that fake entry.

Roster URL:

include "functions.synch.php";

//Tested using the Kilrogg realm
//synchGuild(); //Synchs the Guild Member List (does not update all players by default)
synchGuild(true); //Synchs the Guild Member List (updates all players)
//synchPlayer(null, "Kristoff"); //Synchs one player - Kristoff
//synchPlayers(null, array("Kristoff", "Duny")); //Synchs Kristoff and Duny

That's what I added into the index.php directly after the first include. I turned now the "synchGuild(true);" thing off, though.

When I activate it, the first entries seem ok, it lists all players updated, added and removed, with a short Member Log overview at the end. But then I get line after line of error messages and a few error lines in between, essentially like this, repeated a zillion times:

CRITICAL ERROR - no root XML node foundCRITICAL ERROR - no root XML node foundCRITICAL ERROR - no root XML node found

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mogmhp9/public_html/static/roster/functions.parsing.php on line 96

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mogmhp9/public_html/static/roster/functions.parsing.php on line 117

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mogmhp9/public_html/static/roster/functions.parsing.php on line 77
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby niagairt » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:35 pm

I guess my question would be, will this work woth WowRosterDF?
Rogues may do it from behind, but mages do it hard and fast.
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Kristoff22 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:37 pm

I'm looking into it now...
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Leifthrasil » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:46 pm

Ok, rechecked the data and not everything updated to the fullest. Some entries are deprecated.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby jungzandvliet » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:52 pm

Leifthrasil wrote:Ok, rechecked the data and not everything updated to the fullest. Some entries are deprecated.

we'll you are atleast futher then me :thumleft: Only thing what i get is errors and futher nothing xd
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby PleegWat » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:09 am

Regarding message display: I'd recommend using the same error/message display method as the roster updater does, for consistency.
Regarding the icon case: This will be fixed in the next roster release. We're following blizz and lowercasing all filenames.
Regarding the index config: You should assign these values to subkeys of $addon_conf['ArmorySync'], then pull it from there in your index.php.
Regarding pulling multiple guild info pages: In our tests, when omitting the p= parameter Armory returns data for all players in the guild. This is used when building the guild statistics page
Regarding the values that get overwritten: If you really want to use wowdb, the best way around this is fetching that data from wowdb and inserting it in the right spot. The method I'd recommend is doing the insert queries in your own code.
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Niryk » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:13 am

Nice addon, I look forward to future releases being further along in development before I even dare to try it, but it looks good for a start...
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby IslandStyle » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:58 am

Ok I'm getting
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /hsphere/local/home/kalimdor/ on line 3

heres my index files

Code: Select all

include "functions.synch.php";

//Tested using the Kilrogg realm
//synchGuild(); //Synchs the Guild Member List (does not update all players by default)
synchGuild(true); //Synchs the Guild Member List (updates all players)
//synchPlayer(null, "Kristoff"); //Synchs one player - Kristoff
//synchPlayers(null, array("Kristoff", "Duny")); //Synchs Kristoff and Duny

Any clues??

Thanks in advance guys
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Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Subxero » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:03 am

When wowroster only use and store itemid+enchantid+gemid .. you dont get more translations or multiligual problems..

At these moment all data can be erratic from source :( and the DB get amount of SAME information.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Kristoff22 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:03 am

PleegWat wrote:Regarding message display: I'd recommend using the same error/message display method as the roster updater does, for consistency.
Regarding the icon case: This will be fixed in the next roster release. We're following blizz and lowercasing all filenames.
Regarding the index config: You should assign these values to subkeys of $addon_conf['ArmorySync'], then pull it from there in your index.php.
Regarding pulling multiple guild info pages: In our tests, when omitting the p= parameter Armory returns data for all players in the guild. This is used when building the guild statistics page
Regarding the values that get overwritten: If you really want to use wowdb, the best way around this is fetching that data from wowdb and inserting it in the right spot. The method I'd recommend is doing the insert queries in your own code.

Thanks for the feedback Pleeg!

I do plan on following Roster methods for displaying messages. I started to do it, but it's not 100% implemented (cleanly) so I tacked it on the todo.

Glad to hear that we'll be following blizz naming conventions. That will make things easier in the future.

I see what you're saying about configuration parameters, but truthfully there really won't be many, if any, that I'll be using. Possibly default values. But I do plan on building out a frontend that will handle the functionality within index.php

Great tip about the "p" parameter, I'll be making code changes ASAP. Thanks!

It makes a lot of sense to prepopulate some of the arrays, but then again it also doesn't. To me, if the value doesn't exist, don't update it which would be the easiest solution. But since I'm not going to require users to update their wowdb file, prepopulation will probably be the route I take.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby Kristoff22 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:06 am

niagairt wrote:I guess my question would be, will this work woth WowRosterDF?

Not quite sure what WoWRosterDF is... link?
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Re: Introducing ArmorySynch

Postby niagairt » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:16 am

Kristoff22 wrote:
niagairt wrote:I guess my question would be, will this work woth WowRosterDF?

Not quite sure what WoWRosterDF is... link?

Its the version of WowRoster that works with the Dragonfly CMS.........

You can find it


I want to aplogize for the lack of host is having a problem
Rogues may do it from behind, but mages do it hard and fast.
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