I like the mod nice job!
One suggestion/request. Please make a define in the config file to that allows viewing of the mod if not logged in as Admin. I want all my guild members to see who is a slacker or not.
Moderator: Carasak
ds001 wrote:I like the mod nice job!
One suggestion/request. Please make a define in the config file to that allows viewing of the mod if not logged in as Admin. I want all my guild members to see who is a slacker or not.
Samadhi wrote:Personal preference would be to just skip them. My guild has a few players with a bunch of alts that they play sporadically. They're not active, but they're not really inactive, either.
Carasak wrote:check for the characters which would be shown according to gRank to be not shown if their last online time is < nowTime - alarmdays.
Carasak wrote:@ niqbert:
you can freely configure now the way you check for alt/main chars
what database table field you are checking, what parameter you are checking for (e.g. Main Char) and how you process that info (e.g. =,>,like,...)
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