On the Crafts (? mine is called 'Métiers' :rabbit2: ) display (tradeskills.php) the icons aren't set well for the 'foreign language user', she's English !! the craft text name is ok (correct, it's English).
Solution : make it using the luangua settings of the individual players /members !
I changed this line :
$query = "SELECT `s`.*, `p`.`name` FROM `".ROSTER_SKILLSTABLE."` s, `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE p
So, clientLocale has been taken in.$query = "SELECT `s`.*, `p`.`name`, `p`.`clientLocale` FROM `".ROSTER_SKILLSTABLE."` s, `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` p
and this line :
$skill_image = 'Interface/Icons/'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['ts_iconArray'][$skill_name];
$skill_image = 'Interface/Icons/'.$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['ts_iconArray'][$skill_name];
Now, all goes well: all Icons are set accordingly - no matter what the languages of the players/members are.
I noticed this behaviour only on the Skills page - everywhere else this technique is already used

Something is still bugging me: instead of having two rubrics, "First Aid" and "Premiers soins" (these are the same, but in different languages) they should all be in the same section – using the Roster language to divide the section names: this is more logic - I think.
I'll have a look at that one tomorrow.