I've been unable to get it to upload data to my 1.7.2 beta Roster install and I'm wondering whether that's a problem with my setup, or with the uploader itself.
Has anyone successfully used UniUploader to update a 1.7.2 beta Roster?
[2006/12/10 22:49:54] Uploading to Primary URL...: http://www.oblivioninfo.com/roster/admin/update.php
[2006/12/10 22:49:54] CharacterProfiler.lua - 86% Compressed. Upload Size: 26.19 KB
<!-- ############ Uploading to Primary URL...
############ http://www.oblivioninfo.com/roster/admin/update.php -->
NOT Updating character [Character]
Data is from CharacterProfiler v
The version of CharacterProfiler used to capture data for this character is older than the minimum version allowed for upload.
Please ensure you are running at least v2.0.0 and have logged onto this character and saved data using this version.
Could not update "%s". Maybe its not set in configuration?
["ver"] = 20000,
["fixicon"] = true,
["fixtooltip"] = true,
["button"] = true,
["reagentfull"] = true,
["data"] = {
["system"] = "us",
myProfile = {
["Wildhammer"] = {
["Character"] = {
["Mersadees"] = {
["Guild"] = {
["Name"] = "Øblivion",
["Title"] = "Officer",
["Rank"] = 1,
zanix wrote:Are you sure you are uploading to the right url?
- Code: Select all
PleegWat wrote:You're uploading to roster 1.7.1
zanix wrote:You do know the update link is this right?
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
Alrighty beta testers, this is the moment you have been waiting for...
One of the most important things we need tested with this is the in-place upgrade of Roster
Please make a back-up of your existing Roster database, restore into a fresh database, make a copy of your Roster directory on your webserver, point it to the new DB (ie. create a working copy of your Roster setup) and then copy this version over the top and test the upgrade.
[2007/01/23 21:45:27] Beginning the XML document parsing
[2007/01/23 21:45:28] There are no Addon(s) which require an Update.
[2007/01/23 21:45:42] Uploading to Primary URL...: http://wow.refugeegamers.com/roster/update.php
[2007/01/23 21:45:42] PvPLog.lua - No Compression. Upload Size: 11 KB
[2007/01/23 21:45:42] CharacterProfiler.lua - No Compression. Upload Size: 794 KB
[2007/01/23 21:47:22] Upload Error: The operation has timed-out.
MattM wrote:how long does it take to manually upload?
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