Anyway, this quest chain needs to be comfirmed OK for these languages
And remember, this is the Horde Onyxia quest chain, NOT Alliance
- Code: Select all
'Onyxia' => array( 'Quests', 'Onyxia' =>
'Drakefire Amulet|4829',
'Warlord\\\'s Command|',
'Eitrigg\\\'s Wisdom|',
'For The Horde!|',
'What the Wind Carries|',
'The Champion of the Horde|',
'The Testament of Rexxar|',
'Oculus Illusions|',
'The Test of Skulls, Scryer|',
'The Test of Skulls, Somnus|',
'The Test of Skulls, Chronalis|',
'The Test of Skulls, Axtroz|',
'Blood of the Black Dragon Champion|'
- Code: Select all
'Onyxia' => array( 'Quests', 'Onyxia' =>
'Befehl des Kriegsherrn|',
'Eitriggs Weisheit|',
'Für die Horde!|',
'Was der Wind erzählt|',
'Der Champion der Horde|',
'Nachricht von Rexxar|',
'Die Prüfung der Schädel, Scryer|',
'Die Prüfung der Schädel, Somnus|',
'Die Prüfung der Schädel, Chronalis|',
'Die Prüfung der Schädel, Axtroz|',
'Blut des schwarzen Großdrachen-Helden|'
- Code: Select all
'Onyxia' => array( 'Quests', 'Onyxia' =>
'Amulette Drakefeu|4829',
'Ordres du seigneur de guerre Goretooth|',
'Ordre du chef de guerre|',
'Pour la Horde !|',
'Ce que le vent apporte|',
'Le Champion de la Horde|',
'Le testament de Rexxar|',
'Illusions d\\\'Occulus|',
'Querelleur ardent|',
'Le Test des crÃnes, Cristallomancier|',
'Le Test des crÃnes, Somnus|',
'Le Test des crÃnes, Chronalis|',
'Le Test des crÃnes, Axtroz|',
'Sang du Champion des Dragons noirs|'