Unzip the 2 zipped files inside you will see the main folder named html this is considerd root so unpack the files and upload to the root of your dragonfly installation.
/saved/ -(needs to have write permissions as this is where we will store the sigs/avatars)
Once all the files have been uploaded login to your dragonfly admin panel and click on modules from here you will see the new wowrosterdf module with an install link to the right of it. click install and then you will be redirected to the admin panel where you will now see a new wowrosterdf icon in the information section click it to finish the roster configuration.
To use UniUploader we need to edit a df core file named cmsint.php
Well I think I have stumbled onto something that may get us by for now with UU and posting to DF. With in the cmsinit.inc file I found the function that checks to see if the user has cookies enabled or not so I added a new line to it that would allow the user agent of UU to bypass the check.
search for
- Code: Select all
Check if the <form> POST is comming from this server
if (!is_user() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($CPG_SESS['user']['uri']))
if (PHPVERS >= 43) {
trigger_error('<pre>'.print_r($CPG_SESS, true).'</pre>', E_USER_WARNING);
cpg_error('Please enable cookies to post on this site. If you feel that you have reached this message in error please go back to the preceding page and post again');
We will be changing all that code to
- Code: Select all
Check if the <form> POST is comming from this server
if (!substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 11 ) == 'UniUploader' )
if (!is_user() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($CPG_SESS['user']['uri']))
if (PHPVERS >= 43) {
trigger_error('<pre>'.print_r($CPG_SESS, true).'</pre>', E_USER_WARNING);
cpg_error('Please enable cookies to post on this site. If you feel that you have reached this message in error please go back to the preceding page and post again');
Now to UniUploaders Setup it is beest to use UniAdmin along with UniUploader.
We will first sync switch to advanced mode and click updater

Now we will make sure your Additional Variables are set click Options this is the key.

and now to upload after the first steps you will only have to upload