It seems it comes from the SQL query in gbank.php. When you extract data from DB you check if the object is Soulbound :
- Code: Select all
$itemQuery = "SELECT as member_name,
member.member_id as member_id, item.*,
LEFT(item.item_id, (LOCATE(':',item.item_id)-1)) as real_itemid
as member ON item.member_id=member.member_id
WHERE member.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']."
LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%'
AND item.item_parent!='bags'
AND item.item_parent!='equip'".$filterItemQuery.$lvlItemQuery."
ORDER BY item.item_name";
Important part is the last test :
- Code: Select all
AND item.item_tooltip NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%'
However, frFR translation for 'Soulbound' is 'Lié' and all item has the mention 'Lié quand équipé' for 'Equiped' : so all item which have to be Equiped are also not valid for your querry. I think if you check, all the objects that miss have the mention 'Lié' : the problem comes from french language
The ugly solution could be, if your bank don't have any soulbound item, just deleting the last test of the query.
Sure it must be a better way, but it's 2Am here and I have to sleep
Best regards,