They asked if they could have a second roster - for their H2 clan - on another EU server (Khaz Modan).
No hassle, I said to myself, I tried the Armory Guild Insert and Update function.
This really works

Nevertheless, I found two issues:
What I found is that the keys addon aborted with an SQL error. (normally, should have an empty list, none of the 4 members should have any keys, becuase this info isn't present when updating with the Armory).
First thing : these database fields in the roster2_guilds table aren't set by Armory :
- faction
- factionEn
These values are retrieved by the Armory - they just have to be assigend into the database table.
One of those fields is used in keys addon, so its normal it barks.
Next issue :
open addon/keys/locale/frFR.php
It should read
- Code: Select all
$lang['inst_keys']['H'] = array(
instead of
- Code: Select all
$inst_keys['H'] = array(
Only frFR.phpp has this error.
Other language files seem to be ok.