Good eye

But it continues with the errors.
I'm going to comprobate the translations:
$lang['tooltip_preg_armor']='/^(\d+) armadura/';
$lang['tooltip_preg_durability']='/Durabilidad (\d+) \/ (\d+)/';
$lang['tooltip_preg_madeby']='/\<Hecho por (.+)\>/'; // this is the text that shows who crafted the item. don't worry about the pattern just post me the text I will make the pattern.
$lang['tooltip_preg_bags']='/(\d+) de casillas/'; // text for bags, ie '16 slot bag'
$lang['tooltip_preg_socketbonus']='/Bonus ranura: (.+)\n/';
$lang['tooltip_preg_classes']='/^(Clases:) (.+)/'; // text for class restricted items
$lang['tooltip_preg_races']='/^(Razas:) (.+)/'; // test for race restricted items
$lang['tooltip_preg_charges']='/(\d+) cargas/'; // text for items with charges
$lang['tooltip_preg_block']='/(\d+) (Bloqueo)/'; // text for shield blocking values
$lang['tooltip_preg_emptysocket']='/Hueco (rojo|amarillo|azul|meta)/'; // text shown if the item has empty sockets.
Maybe i need some help because im lost with so much code.