Open - roster/localization/enUS.php
Find the following area of code;
- Code: Select all
//this needs to be exact as it is the wording in the db
$wordings['enUS']['secondary']='Secondary Skills';
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid']='First Aid';
And replace with the following;
- Code: Select all
//this needs to be exact as it is the wording in the db
$wordings['enUS']['secondary']='Secondary Skills';
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid']='First Aid';
Also replace;
- Code: Select all
$tsArray['enUS'] = array (
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid'],
With this;
- Code: Select all
$tsArray['enUS'] = array (
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid'],
And finally this section;
- Code: Select all
//Tradeskill Icons-Array
$wordings['enUS']['ts_iconArray'] = array (
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid']=>'Spell_Holy_SealOfSacrifice',
With this section;
- Code: Select all
//Tradeskill Icons-Array
$wordings['enUS']['ts_iconArray'] = array (
$wordings['enUS']['First Aid']=>'Spell_Holy_SealOfSacrifice',
Once you have completed this portion of the editing, go to your roster/img/Interface/Icons directory and find the INV_Misc_Gem_02.jpg image. Once you have done that, copy it and paste it to an alternate location and rename the copied image to Trade_Jewelcrafting.jpg and upload the new image to the icons directory.
Once you have completed these steps and "created" your new image, upload the enUS.php file to your localization directory and SHAZAM!
Jewelcrafting repaired.
Good luck!